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AMA session in a few hours – at 19:00 (UTC+8)

Dear friends, AMA session with the Infinity Rocket Launchpad creators will be held on September 13th today at 19:00 (UTC+8) in the LBank exchange telegram chat. You will have an opportunity to ask the project managers any questions, get the latest news and further development plans. Venue: Giveaway fund: $2,000 IRT Twitter (and Giveaway…

Docs - News

Meet the First project on the Infinity Rocket Launchpad Platform. It begins!

Today a new project starts on the Infinity Rocket Launchpad.Welcome Airdrop in the amount of 1.000.000 IRT ($20.000 according to the current price). You can find the conditions and the timeframe in the project description box on the Infinity Rocket Launchpad Platform. As we reported, it is important to hold the set number of IRT…

Docs - News

Infinity Rocket founders about the opening of the Infinity Rocket Launchpad Platform

As we already know from the news, the company has an important stage – launchpad opening and new client projects launching. The project founders shared with us how the users can gain on the Infinity Rocket platform and when it is possible to participate in the early wave of investments. We warmly congratulate the team…

Docs - News

Infinity Rocket Launchpad Platform is Already Opening!

Dear friends, we’ve been waiting for this moment for the whole year! And we are happy to announce the opening of our Infinity Rocket Launchpad Platform This is an absolutely new launchpad platform that provides start-ups with full support: IT, marketing, token creation, listing on DEX and promotion. The platform is currently available for basic…

Docs - News

Infinity Rocket news and closest events. Don’t miss!

Today, on the last summer day we would like to share some Infinity Rocket news and events. What has the team been focusing on for the last couple of weeks? We have spent this summer actively. We were aiming not to tell you a lot about what we were doing. We suppose that it’s more…


Infinity Rocket founders about company’s plans for the second half-year of 2022: important events

The upcoming Q3 and Q4 of 2022 are essential for the Infinity Rocket products development and intriguing for investors. Next month we’re going to hold an open beta-test of our launchpad platform and also we’re going to begin collecting the applications from projects. We are stepping on a new project strengthening level. The beta-test will…


Semiannual Report Infinity Rocket 2022, January-June

It’s time to summarize and share the project key results for one half-year. +16,616 IRT token holders in one half-year in 2022 IRT holders number indicator: 1,052 holders (January 2022)   17,668 holders (June 2022)  Diff: 16,616 holders | 1679,47%. IRT token capitalization showed +58,45% gains for one half-year in 2022 From January to June,…


Welcome Market Maker Tools – Infinity Rocket innovation

iRocket team has created the solution for token management on DEX. iRocket Market Maker Tools: token price and trading volume management accumulation and distribution of positions support and resistance levels forming unlimited wallets and trading bots plotting your own price chart on DEX Check the product presentation here: It’s an important part of the…


Infinity Rocket software products development news: presentation dates

The company released the Report for 9 months recently (from the project start in September 2021 to June 2022). We have noticed that one of the most discussed topics, which is the Launchpad Platform functions development, attracts the biggest public attention. We have prepared the answers to some most important questions about the Platform program…


Start-up investment attraction. The importance of launchpad in crypto project financing

The investments are essential for the launching and development of any start-up. Investment attraction complicates with the high risks and investors work management. To minimize the risks the financing is divided into several stages: Pre-seed — at this stage the project gets funds from a start-up team or it’s inner circle; Seed — is held…